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來源:北京力高泰科技有限公司 發(fā)布日期:2013-12-05 16:12:41 瀏覽次數(shù):1071

Broeckx, L. S., M. S. Verlinden, et al. (2013). "The effect of a dry spring on seasonal carbon allocation and vegetation dynamics in a poplar bioenergy plantation." GCB Bioenergy.
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Ciampitti, I. A., S. T. Murrell, et al. (2013). "Physiological dynamics of maize nitrogen uptake and partitioning in response to plant density and N stress factors: I. Vegetative phase." Crop Science 53(5): 2105-2119.
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Kim, M.-J., Y. Park, et al. (2013). "Growth characteristics of the Ligularia fischeri cultivated under different light conditions in hardwood forests in central Korea." Forest Science and Technology 9(2): 97-104.
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Mabhaudhi, T. and A. T. Modi (2013). "Growth, phenological and yield responses of a bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc.) landrace to imposed water stress under field conditions." South African Journal of Plant and Soil 30(2): 69-79.
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Roth, J. A., I. A. Ciampitti, et al. (2013). "Physiological Evaluations of Recent Drought-Tolerant Maize Hybrids at Varying Stress Levels." Agronomy Journal.
Sandmann, M., J. Graefe, et al. (2013). "Optical methods for the non-destructive estimation of leaf area index in kohlrabi and lettuce." Scientia Horticulturae 156: 113-120.
Verlinden, M., L. Broeckx, et al. (2013). "Comparative study of biomass determinants of 12 poplar (Populus) genotypes in a high-density short-rotation culture." Forest Ecology and Management 307: 101-111.
Verlinden, M., L. Broeckx, et al. (2013). "Net ecosystem production and carbon balance of an SRC poplar plantation during its first rotation." Biomass and Bioenergy 56: 412-422.
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